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Fraud Investigation Services

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We regularly handle insurance fraud investigations to prove submission of fraudulent claims. For a claim that is dishonest or fraudulent, hard evidence is needed and Key Squad is in the position to undertake a discreet but thorough fraud investigation, involving a mix of intelligence and surveillance to meet the objectives. Our investigators will also be available to provide witness statements if required. Fraud and corruption represent a real risk for every organization.

Key Squad is regularly called upon to provide fraud, corruption, and misconduct investigations. Until a thorough investigation is conducted, it is often not known whether the basis of an allegation represents possible fraud, corruption or other serious misconduct such as a breach of duties, regulations, policy or guidelines.

Each and every investigation is different. As such, there are no hard and fast rules on how to conduct an insurance or fraud investigation in Hong Kong. Differences in the accessibility of data, geographical location, available techniques, evidence rules etc. all play a role in the procedures.

Key Squad has handled many insurance-related investigations including surveillance and monitoring of suspects claiming personal inquiries, Employees’ Compensation Claims, etc. We have been proven the fastest and most efficient in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

Whatever information provided is very Discreet between our agreement. Speak to our team now for Fraud Investigation Service in Malaysia.

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